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Anthony Antonopoulos and Family
Art & Judy Bartges
Gordon & Cheri Bennett
The Brochhagen Family
The Bright Family
Nick, Sharon, Kaitlyn and Thomas Dervenis
Dennis Dickos
Theone Dickos
Demetrios & Melinda Emmanoelides
John and Sandra Foerster
Ron and Sunday Johnson
The Hostetler Family
Betty "Yia Yia" Kalyvas
Todd & Joez Lickliter
Mike & Jean Lisch
The Martine Family
Jeff & Yiota Moe
Sue & Daniel Neuendorf
Liberty Pasyanos
Panayiotis, Amanda & Liberty Pasyanos
Peter & Kiki Prionas
Ruth Schmidt
The Tsakonas Family
Leisure Timers